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Water, Irrigation, Environment, Climate Change and Natural Resources

  1. Directorate Environment and Natural Resources
  2. Directorate Climate Change
  3. Directorate Water and Irrigation


  1. Improve access to adequate, reliable and affordable quality water.
  2. Conserve, control and protect the catchment areas.
  3. Provide sewerage systems in the urban centres. 
  4. Provide improved sanitation facilities in the market centres.
  5. Create awareness on importance of safe sanitation to households.
  6. Implement environmental policies and practices, ensuring compliance with environmental legislation.
  7. Rehabilitation of hills, water catchment, wetlands.
  8. Protection of river line and riparian land.
  9. Promotion of green energy. 
  10. Sustainable natural resources management and conservation.
  11. Forestry extension services.
  12. Increasing forests and tree cover.
  13. Awareness creation on forest values and products.
  14. Implementations of government and world related agenda on natural resources.
Sector Priorities and Strategies for Environment, Climate Change and Natural Resources

Sector Priorities and Strategies for Environment, Climate Change and Natural Resources

Sustainable Utilization and Management of County Natural Resources and Landscapes


  1. Undertake public education and environmental awareness campaigns.
  2. Protect catchment areas, riverbank and riparian land.
  3. Promotion of environmentally friendly practices and technologies
  4. Prepare and disseminate advisories and information.
  5. Develop legislative framework.

      Rehabilitation and conservation of forests, hills, swamps, wetlands, springs areas


Sustainable solid waste management


  1. Acquisition of integrated solid waste management infrastructure
  2. Reduce, reuse, recycle.
  3. Establish material recovery facilities.
  4. Establish transfer stations.

      Waste to energy facilities

Climate change mitigation and adaptation action

  1. Establishment of climate change policy and legal framework
  2. Promoting partnership in addressing climate change issues
  3. Implementation of adaptive and mitigative measures.
  4. Clean energy transition initiatives


FLLoCCA Project

Climate change mitigation and adaptation action

Grievances Redress


  • Establishment of climate change policy and legal framework.
  • Promoting partnership in addressing climate change issues
  • Implementation of adaptive and mitigative measures.
  • Clean energy transition initiatives




Phone No.: +254790445089



Written submissions:

P.O Box 36- 60100, EMBU


Suggestion box in the Climate Change Unit.