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Agriculture, Livestock and Cooperative Development

  1. Agriculture
  2. Cooperative Development
  3. Livestock
  4. Blue Economy 
  5. Veterinary Services

Department of Agriculture, Livestock and Cooperatives

  1. Providing and implementing of extension services to our farmers and other stakeholders
  2. Promoting Technology transfer and use of technology to our farmers and stakeholders
  3. Formulating and implementing of Agricultural regulations and policies within the county of Embu.
  4. Management and control of pests and diseases both in crops and livestock
  5. Collecting, maintaining and managing information on the Agricultural sector in the County of Embu 
  6. Cooperative policy implementation and Development of cooperative savings, Credit and other financial services policy in the county
  7. Small enterprises development, Cooperative Education and training programs in the County
  8. Promote cooperative Ventures in the county and offer Cooperative Audit Services